Ethereal Blood-smeare


A strike of lightning
A defective hearing
Blinded by the sight of blood
As flashbacks of you flood

Stay quiet now
Im connected to the other realm
Do you feel safe
When no one’s at the helm?

Broken bulbs
Everything seems so dim
A shot at redemption
But my chances seem so slim

This connection is surreal
I can’t see but I can feel
I think I understand
The things that got out of hand

So take me away, please take me away
And with these blood drenched- hands
I face another day
You’re taking me away, to an ethereal place
Devoid of time and space

-The DementED

Hi readers! I’m back. Im sorry I’ve been really busy these past few days and I exoect to be even busier. So I’ll probably be posting just once a week from here on out. Thanks for the continued views 🙂

A Maiden’s Affliction


Her high-pitched scream reaches my ears,
And every bone in my body shivers
She made a home inside my head
So I’ll write her every whisper

Her black lipstick matches the color of her heart
Like the effervescent still waters
Stitches in her skin are like art
And the scars were finishing touches

She eats makeup just to stay skinny
And puts laxatives in her face
She’ll pull the trigger anytime
But she’d rather just sit and wait

The tips of her nails, she bites and chews
But she barely touches her food
She has friends in her front
But none on her rear, just knives already glued

Wrapped around her neck the constricts of society,
and a weight left on her shoulder
For every dream she had, and every man who broke her heart
a bruise left as reminder

Tongues like daggers everywhere
and eyes like laser beams
She can’t go out without an armor
A figure to talk to and a box to dwell
is all she really clamors

-The DementED

Cheers to all the ladies going through the woes brought about by society. You’re beautiful. Please live on. 🙂


You might also wanna check out: The Voices Inside My Head – Why I Write

or related poems: A Date with the Dead, Hopeless, Not Romantic

Hopeless, Not Romantic


Credits reserved to whoever owns this photo

At first I thought you are what I need
A beautiful creature whose mind I could read
Yet as time went by I realized my fault
And so I wanted my emotions to halt

If we paired up, we wouldn’t have connected,
You were insane, but I was more demented,
I’m a wildfire, you were a flame
We burnt differently though we seemed the same

I almost spilled my mind and guts
Cleaning them up would have been nuts!
I would’ve played a dangerous game
You don’t even know me, only my name

Another thing I failed to consider,
You needed a prince not a bottomfeeder
All signs say I’m not what you need
I’m just as broken, you were wise to take heed

Everyone knows you deserve paradise,
Not be part of my awful demise
I guess it was clear, I’m just a tragedy,
So why bother listen to my heart’s soliloquy

Now there’s a lot of things left to be said,
Perhaps I would, but they’re better off dead
I know for sure, you could have saved me
But now I’ll learn to be content with misery

-The DementED
Note: My poems does not necessarily reflect my current state or feelings.

What? I’m being defensive? Well, deal with it reader. haha

Rain on My Parade – The Start of Pluvial Season

May 30, 2016 – Summer is finally dismantling itself and it’s rainy season again here in the Philippines. Droplets of water are starting to drip from the sky like gift from gods. Pluviophiles will rejoice. Little children who wants to play under the sun would have to wait a while. Sun-tanned skin will be out of style. Beach-goers would be minimized and ahhh.. it’s the perfect time to start brewing some hot cup of chocolate, coffee or tea; whichever you prefer.

Another perfect thing to do is listening to songs that fit the gloomy mood that rain brings. As a pluviophile myself, I could say it’s a different definition of gloom. It’s the beautiful kind. The kind in which you feel as if the earth is in a semi-sad state, yet you understand it completely. It’s not entirely lonely but “peaceful”. Calm. Serene.

When the cold breeze kisses your skin, your insides shiver. You tear up a little, but it also gives you peace. Well, whatever. I’m just exaggerating for poetry’s sake. lol. It’s unexplainable, really. Nevertheless, it’s the perfect mood for me.

Like I said, it’s the perfect time to listen to calm or gloomy songs, and the top artist on my rainy season playlist is non other than the rock band from Florida: “Mayday Parade”.

I’m not totally sure why, but it seems the emotions in their songs are amplified when it’s raining and it’s just damn near perfect when I plug in the earphones, sip my cup of coffee and smell the rainy breeze around me. I feel as if I’m serenaded by angels namely Derek Sanders and Jason Lancaster (former member). Songs from their album “A Lesson In Romantics” are my personal favorites.

So yes, that’s the rain on my parade. my Mayday Parade. 😂

Other artists I heavily listen to when it’s raining would be Tame Impala, STRFKR, You Me At Six, Being As An Ocean, Turnover, Balance and Composure and a whole lot more. It’s quite diverse actually. A blend of soothing, psychedelic indie music and a touch of emotional rock to poetic hardcore sounds.

How about you? What songs or artists do you listen to when it’s raining? Speak your mind and comment down below.

Have a great day and I hope you enjoy your weather wherever you are. 🙂